Successful Women, Are There Any?
On Saturday I went on a night out with my friends and whilst in the taxi, our driver made a comment saying that there are not ‘many’ successful women. This got me thinking. Now I can easily list several successful women, but why should I have to? Regardless of privilege, power, or even wealth, all women are successful. Why should we have to ‘achieve’ things to regard ourselves as successful? Success should be looked at from a different perspective, success can come in all shapes and sizes. For example, writing this blog post for me is a success. What may have been a simple statement by a taxi driver got me thinking. Women have always had to ‘prove’ themselves, and for what? Approval by men? Approval of society? You don’t need to become successful to feel like you have a place, I know it’s easier said than done – today’s society is a toxic one. Cambridge dictionary defined success as: achieving the results wanted or hoped for. Some examples given are: - ...